
Guatemala July 21-31

Maibely’s original home

Mi Casa

I wanted to share the average living conditions of the families in Aldea Pueblo Modelo, Zacapa, Guatemala. Most families live in homes made of corrugated metal or plastic tied together and supported with branches, although some are mud and straw. Those with electricity will have a single wire strung to their home. There is no running water or sewers. Water is delivered, is expensive, and is stored in open barrels. Many homes have three structures: one for sleeping, one for cooking, and one for storing water, washing, bathroom & bathing. The weather has been in the upper 90’s most of the week, with no rain and a small breeze. Most of the year is too dry to grow much of anything, but they average 13″ of rain in May and 6″ in September.

There are few jobs in the village, and most have to travel to find work, some as far away as Guatemala City, almost four hours away. Most make much less than $100/mo.

Local Dump

The people here have been gracious, generous, and appreciative. The kids are playful and take their hardships in stride. Just seeing Maibely look at the house going up, and with a huge grin say “Mi casa” makes the whole trip worth it.

Day 1

We packed and delivered meals to a community that developed around a local dump. The residents, including children, sustain themselves by sorting through burning trash for food, recyclables, and items to sell.

Day 2

Day 2

We’ve started on the house we are building this week. Today was preparing rebar, and putting up the vertical supports. The home in the background of the group shot is their current home. Other groups with us are doing physical therapy and occupational therapy, and veterinarian services including neutering pets.

Day 3

We mixed lots of concrete by hand, unloaded a truckload of block and laid one row, but had to stop early because we ran out of water. We then helped bury a family’s dog that was hit and the vets had to put down. Hard work, frustration and sadness superseded by the satisfaction of making a difference.

Day 4

Day 4

We made great progress on the house, completing another four rows of block. The father is in the background of the house shot. The house is 13×15 and will be home for mom & dad, grandma, and three kids. It’s about 4 times bigger than what they have now. I’m including a picture of one of the daughters, Maibely, doing her homework. She practiced the alphabet by writing our names. She is full of smiles and a real cutie.

Day 5

Final Day

We got to the work site and some men from the community came to help. They didn’t know English and we didn’t know Spanish, but everyone knew what needed to be done, and we made great progress. We almost finished the walls. I also got to spend some fun time with Maibely. She loves being on both sides of the camera.

The remaining work will be done by the next week’s crew. Some day, we hope to get back and see the finished home.